Africa Association of Bible School

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"We were believing God to start a Bible school to train our leaders, but we didn't even know how to go about it. But all of a sudden we received a letter from AABS. It was like manna dropping from heaven into our wilderness. It was so great! With these materials we are confident we can reach our promised land." - Rev. Obeng - Ghana.

"Unequivocally, I can say that our affiliation with AABS means everything we have been praying and longing to have in a Bible school. The teaching resources have not only helped in imparting and expanding the knowledge of our students, but have also been transforming lives. Happily, I give all thanks to our dear Lord, who ordered my steps to this unique, life transforming and unity promoting association, whose vision, I believe, was given to benefit no other person but me, and for no other reason than to satisfy my hunger to establish a life changing Bible school in our church. Finally, I pray that God, Who has used AABS and their timely selected teaching resources to be a blessing to both our school and church, will keep on blessing everyone who is involved in transforming this dream into reality." – Pastor Godfrey - Nigeria

"First of all, I want to give the Almighty thanks for affiliating us with AABS. Since I began using their materials about one year ago, our ministry has experienced many blessings from the Lord. In particular, they have helped us run the school with systematic teachings. These materials have enabled the teachers to present their lessons more easily, which brings understanding to both the teachers and the students. They have also saved the school from doctrinal problems. AABS has been used by God to strengthen, encourage and empower us spiritually to carry the gospel of our Lord to our location. These materials have not only been a blessing to our school, but also to our church, which I pastor. I am proud to testify boldly that all of our members who attend the school have experienced some change in their lives." - Rev. Arthur - Liberia

The AABS Bible School program offers more flexibility than the typical Bible School program. Because we can provide local training in our church, our students can remain in their jobs, fit the classes into their busy schedules and enjoy the training with little financial cost required of them. All our graduates are very much involved in ministry. – Mr. Klugan - Ghana

Our students who previously could not prepare sermons can now prepare and preach from them. They can now study their Bibles and do research from other study materials supplied by AABS & from library books. This happened because they learned the art from the MOTMOT curriculum which we used for teaching. They are growing their churches numerically as more people give their lives to Christ - Frontiers Mission - Ghana

"I realized our denomination had a lot of leaders who needed serious training. I was in a dilemma. While praying, it dawned on me that I should start a Bible institute to train these leaders so they can grow their churches. As I thought on this, a friend introduced me to AABS." - Aps Offei - Ghana

"AABS is a timely organization that I believe every Christian Bible school should come on board. Together we can develop the kind of leadership that we need today to meet the growing ministry of our churches in Ghana and beyond." - Pastor Gbande - Ghana

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Our Mission Statement

AABS exists to empower the local churches of Africa through helping to establish independently operated Bible schools, providing Biblical teaching resources, and encouraging pastors and leaders.

The Vision of AABS

The Africa Association of Bible Schools is a voluntary association of likeminded independent Bible schools in Africa. By uniting together we can share resources and experience in order to increase our effectiveness in teaching believers and training ministers.
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